Sunday, September 26, 2021

SFU 4 - On The Road Again

you know what, fuck it. i’m not even gonna bother with an intro text.

hello and welcome to the fourth iteration of the beloved SFU segment, now without pictures! that’s right people, as the title may imply i’m currently on the move. i’m not gonna bother with details, but this weekend i decided to visit my hometown since i recently moved up north. aside from realizing all the shit i’m missing by not being there anymore, i had a pretty good time.

and now for the juicy bits - updates.

the SHMUP is coming up soon. i couldn’t work on it since i was out of town, but the game’s basically ready for release. i have a couple more features to add, but other than that you can expect to play it in 1-2 weeks.

now for the ”bone-chilling” game i teased some time ago, it’s still under conception. i’m thinking it’ll be a strange little top-down shooter involving skeletons, RPG-elements and a whole lotta goo. if that sounds interesting to you, expect to see it before the end of the year.

so yeah, that should wrap things up pretty nicely. be sure to stop by next week for another dazzling entry of

Monday, September 20, 2021

SFU 3 - Better Late Than Never

look, i'm only human. me forgetting to post yesterday was as inevitable as it was tragic. but fear not, i'm back.



for this week, i'd like to announce that i'll be releasing a game soon. very soon, in fact and it's not 'GET THE KILLER' either.

allow me to introduce...

(name not finalized)


so what is SHMUP?

to answer that, i'm gonna have to hit you with an anecdote:

i was sitting around in school, just wasting my precious time when suddenly i realized something.

there's probably something better to do. perhaps i could donate some old clothes to the salvation army, or get down to the local soup kitchen and do some actual work.

"nah", i figured. i wanna make a shoot-em-up!

so that's exactly what i did. i got to work, and have now made a fully functional SHMUP. all i gotta do is add the final touches, and it'll be out very soon. until then, au revoir!

and have some screenshots



Sunday, September 12, 2021

SFU 2 - Sparks Of Glory

 that's right ladies and gentlemen, it's time. time for another...

*drum roll*

for this SFU, i'll start by showing some spectacular footage from 'GET THE KILLER' , which i've been working hard on since last week. i've tinkered with improved visual effects (particles and such), and also experimented with game maker dlls and expansions. finding dlls for game maker 8 nowadays is a major pain in the ass, but luckily i managed to find some pretty sick shit, mostly for background music.

here cometh thyne GIFs


same goes for collectibles such as keys:

so yeah, 'GET THE KILLER' is coming along fine. a little more content and it's all done. 😎

todays' SFU isn't over yet though. i've been working on other projects as well, including a completely new one. i'm not gonna spoil all too much, but let's just say it'll be a bone-chilling experience.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

SFU 1 - Work(s) In Progress

i thought i should probably do something with this blog, while you (my ever-so-loyal fanbase) wait for new releases. and what better way to spice things up than with a new weekly segment? that's right.

welcome, to S.F.U.


for the very first entry in this segment, i think some WIP stuff will do just fine. i'm currently working on two projects, one being an arcade-like shooter set during the vietnam war, and the other being a cryptic, puzzle-ish game called 'GET THE KILLER!!!'. both of which are shown down below:


'Nam Game (untitled)


this is a project i've been working on on-and-off since april or something. the basic gameplay is done, but i'm probably gonna keep iterating on it until i'm satisfied.

such is life for a perfectionist. woe is me...

Estimated time until release: soon (ish)




'GET THE KILLER' is a game of ethics. how far would you go to achieve your goals? will you strive for diplomacy, or take the easy way out? the choice is yours.

the idea for this game started when i was thinking of ways to integrate color-symbolism in games. like most of my ideas, it later spun off into a much bigger project. nonetheless, the game is coming along fine.

Estimated time until release: 1-3 weeks


so yeah, that's it for this month's SFU. be sure to tune in next time, where we'll be discussing fun and exciting things such as for-loops and how to use them.

i sure as hell don't know!
